之前寫過「在運動前與後,練習腹式呼吸」,而近年來美國的體能教練開始將PRI(Postural Restoration Institute)呼吸置於動態熱身前,有助於短暫的讓身體恢復的中立的排列結構。PRI 協會著重在呼吸模式及橫隔膜的功能,並以此治療許多的問題(過度使用的受傷、下背疼痛、肩膀疼痛、足底扁平等)。而PRI的矯正動作涉及非常針對性的呼吸模式,有許多不同的動作搭配呼吸模式,讓身體回到中立的排列。
山姆只接觸到PRI的「90/90 Breathing with Posterior Tilt」動作,以此動作做分享。您可以在動態熱身前,進行5~10次的練習,其動作的要點:
● 腹式呼吸:吸氣:透過鼻子(3秒),從腹部先擴張,接著是胸腔;吐氣:透過嘴巴(10秒),從胸腔收縮,接著腹部收縮。
● 躺在地上,背貼平,膝蓋及屁股呈現90度。
● 大腿夾住一個滾桶或小藥球。(約用50%的力量)
● 勾腳掌,骨盆後傾,讓尾骨離開地面。
吐氣為什麼持續要吐10秒呢?強迫把吐氣延長是為了強迫核心的用力,但強迫吐氣可能會造成過度換氣的症狀或不適感。關於這部份,山姆問了MBSC的教練Brendon Rearick:
Some people say, if they force themselves to exhale out (I mean, to send all the air out from the lungs), it will cause hyperventilation syndrome and make them feel uncomfortable.
And it is difficult for them to exhale little and strongly, when they do it intently, their breath will become very fast and the body will be stiff.
Do you have similar experience or could you give some suggestions for teaching PRI breath?
Brendon Rearick 的回答:
I have never heard of this but I could see the exhale part of things causing someone anxiety who had never done it before. I would tell them to take deep natural breaths for the first week or two then start focusing on the forced exhales as they get more comfortable. We’ve also had good success of coaching the exhale stuff using straws.