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【深入解剖麥克波羅伊肌力與體能訓練系統Q&A】1.5 哩的測試(最大有氧速度)


在【深入解剖麥克波羅伊肌力與體能訓練系統】的課程中有提到風扇型腳踏車的體能訓練,其中對於精英族群的第一週會有所謂的1.5 哩的測試。關於這部份,在StrengthCoach的網站上麥克波羅伊有說明,整理如下:

◆ 我是風扇型腳踏車的愛好者,因為它提供累積型阻力,也就是說,您踏的愈用力,阻力就愈大。它沒有旋鈕,沒辦法降低阻力。

◆ 我也是使用固定式腳踏車來訓練體能的愛好者,特別是曲棍球及成年客戶。雖然我喜歡讓運動員在休賽季時進行跑步,但因為絕大多數的球員全年都在滑冰,所以我們不得不縮減跑步的量。當賽季結束時,選手會短暫休息,然後開始Power Skating。我們大多數的球員,除了進行我們夏季課表外,也會進行一些滑冰的課表。固定式腳踏車予許他們在沒有額外給腹股溝壓力的情況下獲得能量系統的訓練,這意味著運動員保持更加健康。

◆ 對於我們冰球客戶及成年客戶來說,與慢跑相比較,風扇型腳踏車在沒有過度使用的運動傷害下,予許我們獲得很好的能量系統訓練。此外,雙重作用(手臂及腿部)的風扇型腳踏車,比起飛輪來說,帶來更高的心跳率。

◆ 我們會先得到一個MAS(Maximum Aerobic Speed)評估,基本上,這表示您可以維持六分鐘的速度。在舊電腦版本的 Assault Bike 上,我們使用1.5哩,這大概需要花上5~6分鐘。在操作評估MAS的過程中,我們可以得到一個評估的RPM。

◆我們會使用110%或120%的MAS在間歇訓練課表中。我喜歡使用內建於 Assault 機器中的 20/10 及 10/20 設定。我們進行以110% MAS進行 20/10;以120% MAS 進行10/20。給你一些數字,若1.5 哩的測試(剛好是六分鐘),獲得平均 60 RPM,您的20/10的速度就是66 RPM;10/20的速度就是72 RPM。我從 Dan Baker 那邊取得這些數字。

註:Implementing High-Intensity Aerobic Energy System Conditioning for Field Sports

Recent applied research in aerobic training for field sports

Much research is now focused on Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS). Research shows that the amount of time spent at or above the 100% Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) appears to be the critical factor for improving aerobic power.

It has been determined that performing a number of short intervals at > 100% MAS was a more effective method of building aerobic power than the more traditional Long Slow Distance (LSD) training (14) (i.e. going for long road runs etc) or than attempting to train only one interval continuously at 100% MAS (13).

Specifically, an intensity of 120% MAS was determined to be the best single speed for short intervals that are followed by a short respite (passive rest) interval, based upon the fact that this intensity allowed the greatest supra-maximal training impulse (intensity x volume), in comparison to 90, 100, and 140% MAS (13). Especially intervals of 120% MAS for 15-30 seconds followed by an equal respite interval of passive rest and continuing on for 5-10 minutes.

A Japanese researcher called Tabata (14) also found that athletes working at 170% VO2 Max (the % MAS was not reported) for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds passive rest and continuing on this manner for 4-minutes produced excellent changes in aerobic and anaerobic power, better than performing LSD training sessions of 60-minutes at 70% MAS. However, the high intensity group also improved 28% in anaerobic performance while the low intensity group was unchanged. Accordingly, given the greater results and less time investment, it was considered that the high intensity training was much more efficacious than LSD training. This type of training is typically now known as the Tabata method.

The basis of all this recent research is that high intensity intervals of 15-30+ seconds, interspersed with 10-30 seconds of either low intensity active recovery (eg. < 40-70% MAS) or passive rest, continued in this manner for total set times of 4-10 minutes and repeated for 2 or more sets greatly enhances aerobic power and capacity.

It didn’t matter much if it was 20 seconds work, 10 seconds recovery, 30:15, 15:15, the research has kept pointing to the fact that training at or above 100% MAS was the key intensity parameter and how long you spent there was the driving volume parameter under-pinning improvements in aerobic power.

Consequently high-intensity interval training using intensities of 100% MAS to develop the ability to sustain high intensity efforts or intervals at 120%+ MAS to develop higher levels of MAS or enhance the ability to repeat high intensity efforts appear to be increasingly used in the training of field sport athletes (e.g. 1-15). The practical implementation of a number of these methods will be detailed below.

◆ 對於我們的曲棍球選手來說,我也會以110~120% MAS 進行 .2 及 .3 哩的反覆。

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