這篇是來自「Stop Chasing Pain」臉書的文章,山姆做個筆記。在 Journal of Athletic Training 期刊中,由Padua, Bell 與 Clark 所發表的研究「Neuromuscular Characteristics of Individuals Displaying Excessive Medial Knee Displacement」,這篇文獻的其中一個結論:「有膝蓋外翻(Knee Valgus)的運動員在進行深蹲動作前應該透過軟組織放鬆、伸展腓腸肌及開腳踝活動度來發展腳踝背屈活動度。」
Interesting research from a study ‘Neuromuscular Characteristics of Individuals Displaying Excessive Medial Knee Displacement, by Padua, Bell and Clark, in Journal of Athletic Training’
One of their conclusions:
“Athletes who display knee valgus should work to develop ankle dorsiflexion ROM during squats using soft-tissue work, gastrocnemius stretching and ankle mobility drills."That’s excellent advice. But what happens if the ankle restriction keeps returning? Which it often does because there may be lack of stability in the movement chain. If you increase mobility, you had better lock it in with stability. And not just around the ankle joint. The fascial boot sling of stability is tied to the rotational oblique pattern of gait.
So if your torso rotation is dysfunctional, that may lead to ankle range of motion restriction. Think about it logically…would your brain allow you to maximally dorsiflex the ankle if you cannot rotate efficiently? Nope…it will put the brakes on so you don’t get hurt overloading a a pattern that can’t handle it. The brake is decreased mobility.
Ankle range of motion is not just about the sagittal and frontal plane…it’s a huge player in the transverse plane of the core.
If your ankle ROM is lacking…check above the waist too:)