談及高爾夫球的爆發力發展,來看看 NSCA 的研究文獻《Power Development for Golf. 》:在高爾夫球運動中,在揮桿時需要高水平的力量來加速桿頭並在收桿階段進行減速。高爾夫球揮桿是一個具有爆發力的連續性動作,力量由下肢產生,然後傳遞到髖關節、核心、軀幹、肩膀、手臂、手腕,最後送到桿頭。頂尖高爾夫球選手可以有效率的總合這些爆發力,這是他們擁有較高桿頭速度的原因之一。雖然高爾夫球揮桿是一個獨一無二的動作,但發展爆發力的方式跟其它運動並無不同。
■ 延伸閱讀:如何訓練投擲、投擊的旋轉爆發力呢?
<1> Medial/Lateral Jump (Lateral Box Jump)
This exercise aids in the development of explosive power generation from the hips that can be helpful in the rapid development and transfer GRF from the rear foot to the lead foot during the downswing.
<2> Medicine Ball Throw
The rotational throw has been shown to be closely correlated with club head speed and programs using various rotational throws have been shown to improve club head speed for golfers.The strength and conditioning professional should also avoid instructing the golfer to attempt to imitate golf swing with this exercise. The goal is not to interfere with the swing motor program but to develop general rotational power.
<3> Kettlebell Swing
The Kettlebell Swing has been shown to develop power and strength and has been suggested as a viable alternative to more traditional methods, such as the power clean, when looking for exercise program variety. Inclusion of the kettebell swing offers the S&C professional an alternative means of lower-body power development that may be easier for the golfer to perform at home or while traveling. The kettlebell swing is executed with an emphasis on flexion at the hip, often called the hip hinge, which biases toward the use of the posterior chain for the execution of exercise. This emphasizes powerful hip and kee extension similar what is found during the golf swing.
文獻也有提到一個課表的範例,除了提到上述的動作之外,也包括前蹲舉、單腳RDL、單手臥推、站立單手划船,並有說明選擇動作的原因、組數、次數、重量及休息時間。有興趣的朋友,可以購買 NSCA 的會員,下載文獻來觀看(附圖及影片)。