另一種是在穩定表面進行動作下,逐步增加負荷也是增加對核心的挑戰。在美國教練 Dan John 的 INTERVENTION 的書上提到:
The one-arm bench press will be one of the greatest ab workouts of your life.
Wake Forest’s Ethan Reeves fills in the next part of the equation with his one-arm pressing standards. He believes hoisting 125 pounds for five reps is the gold standard for his athletes. I lowered this to 70 pounds for five reps for your high school boys and 30 pounds for 10 reps for the girls. Oh, prepare yourself before you jump up and try this challenge. With anything around 100 pounds, the weight will really pull your ‘off’ side around and down the bench. You have to counter it by aggressively squeezing everything from your feet up to deal with weight. It’s a full body lift with heavy weights.
書上提到,單手臥推大概到100磅的時候,身體就有感覺會被壓到另外一邊去,而這時你必須強烈的收縮核心及下肢來抵抗以維持身體的平衡。Dan John 的書上許多的魔術數字,為何是100磅呢?他在書上沒多做解釋。但我推測是重量接近體重的一半,大概就有強烈感覺身體要掉到一邊去了。